ACT’s calculator policy
I’ve been talking to folks about calculator programs, specifically whether or not you’re allowed to use them on… Continue Reading
Tutor Ted and ScholarPrep put our heads together!
Looking for some thoughtful and concise test prep wisdom? Look no further! I had a delightful conversation with… Continue Reading
The score gap between male and female SAT takers — h/t Compass Prep
We test prep people tend to be a pretty collegial bunch, which is to say that we tend… Continue Reading
Episode 10: Looking At College Admission Through Rose-Colored Glasses
Ted takes a field trip to Campbell Hall High School to speak with their director of college counseling,… Continue Reading
Episode 8: The Helicopter Mom Has Landed
Ted talks with self-professed “helicopter mom” Courtney Jane about her high-achieving children, Jamie and Cece, who were also… Continue Reading